HH - Highland Hospice
HH stands for Highland Hospice
Here you will find, what does HH stand for in Non-Governmental Organization under Organization category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Highland Hospice? Highland Hospice can be abbreviated as HH What does HH stand for? HH stands for Highland Hospice. What does Highland Hospice mean?Highland Hospice is an expansion of HH
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Alternative definitions of HH
- Hochschild Homology
- HouseHold/s
- Hard of hearing
- Head To Head
- Hand Held
- Hip Hop
- Hansestadt Hamburg
- Hansestadt Hamburg
View 349 other definitions of HH on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- H&IAL Highlands & Islands Arts Limited
- HPHAL Hightown Praetorian Housing Association Ltd
- HSMF Hilda and Samuel Marks Foundation
- HCFT Hilden Charitable Fund, The
- HJ&MCT Hiley Joseph & Mary Charitable Trust
- HHA Hillcrest Housing Association
- HC Hillcroft College
- HSHG&AT Hillier Sir Harold Gardens & Arboretum, The
- HRSFC Hills Road Sixth Form College
- HCA Hinckley Concordia Association
- HLTT Hind Lady Trust, The
- HTC&CCN Hindu Temple Cultural & Community Centre of Nottingham
- HTDL Hip Training and Development Ltd
- HGS Hipperholme Grammar School
- HAE Hire Association Europe
- HJH Hirons James Home
- HCPT Historic Churches Preservation Trust
- HGF Historic Gardens Foundation
- HAT Historical Association, The
- HMS Historical Metallurgy Society